Detroit Trailer Company

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Detroit Trailer Company was located in Detroit, MI and is one of the very first companies dedicated to the manufacture and selling of auto trailers. The company was incorporated sometime shortly before February 1913 with a capital stock $5,000 (or $108,886 in 2011 dollars). The incorporators were Stanley R. DuBrie, William H. Turner and A. C. Turner.

The company was primary an auto trailer manufacturer and normally would not be mentioned on this website. But they offered modifications and accessories on their Model A 1,200 lbs capacity trailer that qualifies them as a "manufactured" folding tent trailer, as pointed out in an article from the June 19, 1913 publication The Automobile. Quoting the article's description, the 1,200 lbs trailer "is also furnished with a canopy top, either with square or round bow, for camping or fishing parties. The Makers convey the further information that the vehicle can also be furnished with special springs for sleep in the trailer, while an ice box attachment fastens directly under the rear end, at extra cost." The trailer was intentionally modified by the makers to be a tent trailer for the explicit purpose of camping, then folding away for travel. The tent trailer was very basic in design. My research to date shows that Detroit Trailer holds the distinction as being the earliest manufacturer identified to do so.

I show no documented evidence that Detroit Trailer ever went on to develop or sell tent trailers further, instead focusing on the more profitable line of business class trailers. As such I will not research and document the rest of their story unless information to the contrary arises.

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Website created by Joel Silvey, 2009